Yesterday I got my port put in. We left home at 8:50am and I went from sitting in the car to a hospital bed and --- waited for almost 5 hours..... They finally wheeled me in at 3:30, started the surgery and all I was looking forward to was a pleasant "versaid nap".
My blood pressure tanked too much, so versaid became oh, so much a dream. I was awake for the procedure, which was fine - they all want to change jobs and work as veterinarians, so I just listened and smiled. Everything went well, and there is swelling and bruising, but it is working today, albeit tender.
My white blood cells have hit their lowest ever. My platelets were more than sliced in half and - and my hemoglobin is in such a state that they are setting me up for a blood transfusion as I wait.......
The nurse commented that "with blood work like this, if someone so much as coughs on you, you will be in the hospital for a week"...... another two weeks of quarantine and isolation. I can't wait.
They said they "hope" that as hard as the chemo is hitting my body and blood work, that it is "hitting the cancer as much".
I obviously missed another chemo treatment today.
And the same old, same old - If you must go out, wear a mask. If you cannot open it up with a can opener, don't eat it. It doesn't matter a whole lot, as there is not enough appetite to make that sound bad anymore.
I guess under the good news listing would also be the fact that I do not have to take that last dose of Ro on Friday that I usually sit and look at for a long time before swallowing it.......
I feel like little Oliver Twist and just asking the tough taskmaster -- "I want more, please?" I just want to get through treatment and get to surgery. I have done everything and then some to prop up my poor blood showings.
None of that has mattered, it seems that cancer runs this show and you just throw it a few peanuts hoping to tame it...... I am pretty devastated.
If you are looking for a silver lining here - I have fingernails. Who would have thought.
Love you and hope next week goes better! May God deliver you from Jesus' Name!
Thinking of you Karen. Funny they want to be veterinarians.....maybe next time when they try to prick you with a needle you should bite them so they know what it is like :) Hang in there and keep focusing on wellness!