Wednesday, January 25, 2012

blood work fail

The first thing they do before starting your IV-chemo drip is take a CBC to ensure your blood levels have not dropped too dramatically.

Mine failed.

I am headed home to give the cancer cells a good long week to get ahead in the game, and try to get some life back into my neutrophils to raise the ratios above 1,000. I am at 600....... 1,500 is what they want to see with most chemo patients; since I am in the study, I could sneak in at 1,000 - but heaven help me, I cannot even open the door....

I am devastated.

Nurse Kim came in, closed the door and prayed over me. She prayed that I would hold my head up and not allow the clouds of despair and darkness to close in around me. She prayed that my blood work would improve enough to jump me back into treatment next week. She prayed for protection about me and in her sassy, beautiful black-african-american-woman way, she demanded that the devil scoot right on out our door....

I wanted to take her home with me.

1 comment:

  1. Karen, I am so sorry that you have to through this. Our tests sure seem more than we can bear, but the Lord says he will carry us through all our trials.
    Read Daniel 10:19, I hope it gives you comfort as it did me today thinking of all your trials.
